
Help Fertility Trial - University of Sheffield: Hysteroscopic Excision of Leiomyoma and Polyp in Infertility

Project description

We worked with the team from the School of Health and Related Research at The University of Sheffield to produce this animation. The animation will be used as part of the process to inform potential participants and provide an overview of the Study.

The main study research question is: What is the clinical and cost-effectiveness of hysteroscopic removal of submucosal fibroids and polyps in women presenting with infertility and recurrent miscarriage?

I also just wanted to say thank you again for your team’s hard work, it was a really enjoyable experience and everyone on the team is really pleased with the video.


HELP Fertility Trial - Participant Information Animation

HELP Fertility Trial – Participant Information Animation

Explainer animation to help patients decide whether or not they would like to participate in the study.


Morph were extremely knowledgeable about clinical trial processes and were able to tailor their advice to fit the brief perfectly. They were responsive and flexible, and managed to create a video that the whole team is proud of.

Amy Barr, Research Assistant, Clinical Trials Research Unit

Morph Animation Process

This article describes our animation process, starting with the planning right through to delivery.

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